
Strut #3

Hold my beer.

You’re gonna want to hear this.


My prompt is doodle filled blackboard.



That mouse pulls a handstand

on the back of a purple kangaroo.


Rebar in rainbow,

bent to reflect the Cyrillic alphabet.


A smile.

A wink.


A small tug with the word

“Titanic” written port side,

the googly eyed captain,




Doesn’t he see that this is the end

of a new world beginning?


This is not a board meant for pinning,

but a note holds on

to a little black stone that says


6 PM



We have colored chalk,

so someone painted a rainbow.

Little baby devils tumble down its slope.

They’re too young to run and play just yet.


Squiggles laying tracks

in no particular direction,

or suggestion really.

Just lines, like,



A door that speaks.

It says, “Fuck off!”


A mopey leopard

that just can’t kick this cough.


An equation that attempts

to explain that smile right off your face.


And a trace of all the other

numbers and faces,

erasures of a past class,

with all the kindly pushing

and crass back sass.


I’m sure there’s more on this blackboard,

but I’m taking a pass.


History, Now! Copyright © 2022 by Todd Paropacic. All Rights Reserved.