theres something about corpo speak thats haunting



I ran those projections

you asked me to run.

Not good.


Our holo-trackers

and laser-face-readers,

have picked up 4.7% fewer smiles

and a spike in grimaces

over the past meta-quarter.

A ten percent spike.


I’ve attached the

Satisfaction Matrix ™

for your perusal.


If I were you, Cal,

I’d do one of two things;

Either grovel,

and grovel good,

or draw up some dystopic diagram.

Show how localized unrest

and a worldwide pandemic

have impacted the Satisfaction Matrix ™

in many, if not all,

sectors of the servo-industrial complex.


The Supra-board is looking for a target,

and you are the first one

that they will take a shot at.


Just be prepared.


Let me know how it goes,

and if you need to drink the meeting away,

call me.


Good luck,



Hackensack Copyright © 2021 by Todd Paropacic. All Rights Reserved.

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